Tag: webinar

07 Jun

Caninex Go-To-Market Packages Are Designed With Business Development & Investment Value Generation In Mind

Our Caninex go-to-market packages are designed to bring your offering to the world, with business development & investment value generation in mind. For our Felinex packages designed to bring...

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07 Jun

Why Executive Roundtables – In Person or Virtual – Are A Far Superior Alternative To Webinars

It is important that these roundtables are interactive, centered around an exchange of ideas among those present and are not slide shows or webinars (have you ever dialed into...

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29 Apr

Sociopolitical Factors in The Development & Renovation of Hydroelectric Plants

Hydroelectric energy has gone from being the epitome of renewable energy to having a somewhat tarnished reputation. This isn’t because there is anything wrong with the method of generating...

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20 Mar

Join me to discuss socio-political factors in the development and renovation of hydroelectric plants

Join me in my upcoming webinar to discuss hydroelectric power investment opportunities in Latin America.

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12 Mar

10 ways to move business development forward this spring amidst travel cancellations & contagion fears.

My upcoming events just got cancelled, what about yours? Here are some things we can do instead

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