Sharmi Surianarain of Harambee Talks About Africa’s Untapped Potential For Professional Talent In The CX & IT Sectors
During CCI Global’s grand opening of their 5,000 seat contact center in Nairobi, Kenya’s Tatu City business park, Loren Moss was able to speak with Sarmi Surianarain of Harambee on the untapped potential of Africa’s talent pool, especially in the areas of information technology and customer service.
Harambee Youth Employment Accelerator is an organization that works to synergize partnerships across the private sector, governments, and local nonprofits focusing on workforce readiness across several countries, including South Africa, Kenya, Rwanda and Ethiopia. Young aspiring professionals that matriculate through Harambee’s programs are ready and eager to compete on a global level for employment opportunities.
Led by Martin Roe, CCI Global is an example of a company that champions African talent with over 15,000 customer and technical service seats on the continent serving corporate clients in North America and Europe while providing professional growth opportunities and life-changing employment in the countries where it operates. As a growing multinational enterprise, CCI actively partners with government initiatives and the nonprofit sector to scale up opportunities in a way that maximizes positive impact in the communities where it has a presence.
As a bonus, listen to Sharmi’s latest EP “Lost” on Spotify by clicking here.
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